Monday, February 28, 2005

Dvorak's Personal Portal For Children

Dvorak's Personal Portal For Children

Quick loading list of links for kids - Lots of different information

All Ages

Thursday, February 24, 2005

CNEWS - Space: Scientists: Methane rain, river beds on Titan

CNEWS - Space: Scientists: Methane rain, river beds on Titan: "PARIS (AP) "

A probe to Titan has found that liquid methane rains lash Saturn’s largest moon, a freezing, primitive but active world of ridges, peaks, river beds and deserts scoured by the same forces of erosion as Earth, scientists said Friday.

Methane is a highly flammable gas on Earth, but on Titan, it is liquid because of the intense pressure and cold.

“There is liquid that is flowing on the surface of Titan. It is not water — it is much too cold — it’s liquid methane,

Monday, February 21, 2005

John Holt - Growing Without Schooling

IT BEGAN in the late 1950s. I was then teaching ten-year-olds in a prestige school. I was also spending a lot of time with the babies and very young children of my sisters, and of other friends. I was struck by the difference between the 10's (whom I like very much) and the 1's and 2's. The children in the classroom, despite their rich backgrounds and high I.Q.'s, were with few exceptions frightened, timid, evasive, and self-protecting. The infants at home were bold adventurers.

It soon became clear to me that children are by nature and from birth very curious about the world around them, and very energetic, resourceful, and competent in exploring it, finding out about it, and mastering. In short, much more eager to learn, and much better at learning, than most adults. Babies are not blobs, but true scientists. Why not then make schools into places in which children would be allowed, encouraged, and (if and when they asked) helped to explore and make sense of the world around them (in time and space) in ways that most interested them?

Read the rest of the interview here

John Holt - Growing Without Schooling

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Welcome to Coastal Bend Bays Foundation - Kids Page

Welcome to Coastal Bend Bays Foundation - Corpus Christi, Texas

Learn about the environment and find ways to help your children understand the importance of good environmental management.

All Ages though younger students will need parents help
If you live in Corpus this is a Great program to support.

Science & Environment

Saturday, February 12, 2005

NOVA Online | The Vikings | Write Your Name in Runes

NOVA Online | The Vikings | Write Your Name in Runes

Runes Through Time
by Nicole Sanderson

The Vikings are often portrayed as illiterate, uncultured barbarians who evinced more interest in plunder than in poetry. In fact, the Vikings left behind a great number of documents in stone, wood and metal, all written in the enigmatic symbols known as runes. They relied on these symbols not only for writing but also to tell fortunes, cast spells, and provide protection.

BBC - Vikings - LEarn about some of the world first and fiercest explorers

BBC - Vikings - Homepage

Ages 6- 15
Social Studies & History

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Recipe: Cookie Dominos - Math, Cooking and cookies

Recipe: Cookie Dominos - NESTLÉ

This is a tasty and cute idea. Ingenious way to mix cookies and math and game playing. Fun for the whole family and all their friends

Ages 4 & up
Cooking - Basic Game and math skils